House Rule: Double Damage (2024)



Well-known member
  • Dec 22, 2015
  • #1

The group that I play in uses the house rule that all melee weapons that you two hand use double strength, and all weapons that you one hand (including off hand) use full strength. I posted about this some time ago and was given the eval script I would need to make this function within Hero Lab. The problem I am having now is that when I use a composite bow, it keeps applying double my strength to the damage is most situations, in others I can't figure out how it is calculating the strength bonus, I just know its not adding it up correctly. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here are the scripts that I have been using:

Post-attributes 10000
var bonus as number

~ Calculate the extra .5 of the strength modifier. This added to the
~ normal 1.5 bonus will give us 2x Str bonus.
bonus += round(#attrmod[aSTR]/2,0,1)

~ This will only affect two-handed weapons
hero.child[Damage].field[tDamTwo].value += bonus

~ One handed weapons wielded in two-hands don't get the above
~ damage bonus. So we have to loop through all the active weapons
~ and give the bonus individually.

Pre-levels 5000

~ If we're disabled, do nothing
doneif (tagis[Helper.FtDisable] <> 0)

perform hero.assign[Hero.DblSlice]



Well-known member
  • Dec 22, 2015
  • #2

Your script logic gives a damage bonus to a the Two-Handed damage field on the hero. A bow is a two-handed weapon so it will get the bonus. House Rule: Double Damage (1)

If you want to get more "specific" in the logic of which weapons get the bonus and which do not. Then you will have to do a foreach loop setting the search condition to look for two-handed "melee" weapons and remove the global use of the tDamTwo field.



Well-known member
  • Dec 22, 2015
  • #4

BloodAngel099 said:

House Rule: Double Damage (4) I figured there was hope because the program can tell between the strength and a half rule with melee and single strength wit bows House Rule: Double Damage (5)

It can but not with those "Hero" fields you are using. Damage fields are normally handled on each individual weapon Pick. Your trying to add a "global" damage value and those values are very simple in there use. If you want to get more detailed then you have to deal with each weapon Pick instead of the "global" hero values.



Well-known member
  • Dec 22, 2015
  • #5

Ok, I have a question on how to maybe work around this. I am not very good at the editor so if it's a dumb question forgive me. But as I understand with my 2nd eval script the way I am getting full strength to every characters off hand is by giving ever character the effects of the Double Slice feat, would I be able to replace the first script with the Overhand Chop or Backswing abilities granted to the Two-Handed Fighter? Would that apply double strength to the melee weapons while leaving the bows alone?



Well-known member
  • Dec 22, 2015
  • #6

Ok, I have a question on how to maybe work around this. I am not very good at the editor so if it's a dumb question forgive me. But as I understand with my 2nd eval script the way I am getting full strength to every characters off hand is by giving ever character the effects of the Double Slice feat, would I be able to replace the first script with the Overhand Chop or Backswing abilities granted to the Two-Handed Fighter? Would that apply double strength to the melee weapons while leaving the bows alone?

That is great question and the best way to figure out scripts is to look for existing things that already do what you want. You can in the editor do a "new (copy)" to view existing Things including the scripts for Overhand Chop.

Except in this case these abilities have never been finished and are just "text". That or LW sees them as only "situational" bonus and expects a person to manually add in the damage bonus. House Rule: Double Damage (6)

So you are still back to doing a foreach loop. Which is not very hard really:


var bonus as number~ Calculate the extra .5 of the strength modifier. This added to the~ normal 1.5 bonus will give us 2x Str bonus.bonus += round(#attrmod[aSTR]/2,0,1)~ This will only affect two-handed melee weaponsforeach pick in hero from BaseWep where "wClass.TwoHanded & wCategory.Melee" ~ Give a unnamed bonus to Damage Melee eachpick.field[dmmBonus].value += bonusnexteach

Please note I did the above without testing it. So change as need if it does not work. House Rule: Double Damage (7)



Well-known member
  • Dec 22, 2015
  • #7

Don't I have to repeat the code for each and every weapon thought in a foreach loop? To include artifacts and such? As I said I am not very well versed in the editor. House Rule: Double Damage (8)



Well-known member
  • Dec 22, 2015
  • #8

BloodAngel099 said:

Don't I have to repeat the code for each and every weapon thought in a foreach loop? To include artifacts and such? As I said I am not very well versed in the editor. House Rule: Double Damage (9)

All "weapons" and even magic weapons/masterwork and artifact weapons are built from the "base" component called "BaseWep". So the foreach loop above looks at "every" Live/active weapon (known as Picks) on your character. Then based on the "Search" string which is enclosed in quotes says "only give me two-handed melee weapons". The only weapons then that get the extra damage are those weapons.

We are using a very generic "search" string to get only Melee Two-Handed weapons. The above should work 99% of the time and if not you can include or not include other weapons based on the "tags".

To see "tags" on a weapon add a new weapon to your character and "right" click on it and select "Show debug tags for xxxxx". If you don't get this option go to "Develop->Enable Data File Debugging".



Well-known member
  • Dec 22, 2015
  • #9

Oh, gotcha! I will see if I can figure it out from here. Thank you for all your help!



Well-known member
  • Dec 22, 2015
  • #10

Your code worked like a charm btw, thanks again for all the help!



Well-known member
  • Dec 22, 2015
  • #11

BloodAngel099 said:

Your code worked like a charm btw, thanks again for all the help!

Sweet! No problem. Happy gaming. House Rule: Double Damage (10)

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House Rule: Double Damage (2024)


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